Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Seige

Hello! i am the author of this page, I am 15 years old and the reason of the creation of this website is that Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Siege is my favorite game. In this page get to know me and some of the things i like aboout R6.

This is me and the boys, i am the one with my eye closed laughing:

Me with the Homies

Yes i am in JROTC at Lane tech highschool. And yes these are the homies and the people i genuinely feel good around with. (P.S if you haven't realized it yet im guzman)

My favorite charcter in this game is Buck, who is part of the Canadian force (JTF2) and i feel like i pretty much mastered him, this is him:


This is my favorite character out of all of them since i've spent so mucj time trying to find one that fits my play style and when i came across Buck i spent a lot of time grinding with him and after the first few games i thought this is it. Not only that but its fun to see the enemy rage when you destroy them with a single shot and they are sporting a fully automatic with a 30 round mag. \(*-*)/

My favorite map of the game is "Theme Park" which is the one below:

Blood Orchid

This is my favorite map because it is so easy to memorize at an extent. If you try at the game and rember all the spots where the enemys spawn and where the objectives are placed thenit is easy for me to make a plan on the minute time we have to fortify the room. Also it is my favorite because if idecide to run out and catch the enemys at their spawn there is a lot of cover i can hide behind to make it difficult for them to try and get me.

My facorite ting overall about this game is the fan base:

fan base

The fan base for this game is pretty big as you can see on the blurry image thee is about 27 million players that are currently playing this game online. Not only is the hance of meeting a new friend very big but it also means that no game will always be the same. Wth that much peopel on the servers the possibiltys are endless for the outcome of the match.

So heres how you can contact me

sum Dude

Firstname Lastname Email
John Guzman
John Guzman

Use the top email for questions you may have about the game and the bottom email for serious things like gameplay or a session together.

By: John Guzman

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